Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Set to Sail, Aye Pirates!

Aah! The blog is finally up. And you might just think, It aint no biggy! Make and account and register a blog id and you have it. Looking at it that way, the 22 year old hasn't really earned anything to go all " Aah! The blog is finally up!" or give away a sigh of relief. Every Ramesh and Suresh has a blog. And why? May be because they find it a lil' more expressive than a 140 characters limited tweet and not too large of a venture of launching a book.
How different can your blog be? That's the first thought that would pop up on everybody's mind who relates themselves with a blog - both the readers and the owners. And above all of it, the Name! They might ask, whats in a name? Well, The Name is an interesting element. Let it be a blog or a brand or a person. A Name should do its part; not a lot it can do in many cases though. But most of the cases the name serves to be something that invites the initial supposedly good thoughts about the commodity.
Names can also be catchy if it comes with a WTF factor to it. Because, if you look around. We live in a world where the search engine is called 'Yahoo!' .. The operating system is named 'Windows' and cellphones are one of those fruits. Yeah right! Cellphones what comes to my head first when someone asks me if i want an apple. (What not? We have Lemon mobile phones here in India). So have you given a thought to what they wouldve been thinking while they named these. Umm, Yahoo! Yahoo! Could be an exclamation or a sound of joy with which the chap jumps up when he finds what he has been searching for on the web. While, Windows are your way to connect to a different place from another. Well, doors do too, but here, lets keep that aside and try to find a justification to name the OS Windows. So yeah! Windows is an OS that helps you connect to different types of applications. And hence proved, Windows is Justified! On the other hand, you could stand upside down or paint it green and call it a pickle still wouldnt get a reason effective enough to justify what an apple or berry has to has to do on your ears.
There are other bizarre examples around us too. Especially here in India, the Black smith close to Eric's place who named his workshop 'Metallica' or the internet cafe at RS Puram named 'Coffee Day'.
Well, the name here is CaptainBlogSparrow. Seriously? Do you really think I would give you a reason behind naming the blog so? After all, i would ask, so whats in a name!?
Now, you have a blog, you have a name for it, and you have expressed what you thought while naming it. "Aah! The blog is finally up!" yet? Hell no! Well, the name certainly isnt good enough to win he world for you. You hear a name Balotelli or Volkswagen Jetta (two of those names which i feel sounds different or standing out in fact). Next thing you wanna know is how Balotelli or Volkswagen Jetta looks like. Captainblogsparrow is just a normal looking page , with no extra effects and dramatic themes to highlight the text. Wait , that sounds too normal and boring for a page that's named "Captainblogsparrow"! Yup , the black and purple background actually has some significance. Last night I was up on my balcony stargazing, and in the vast space that is our universe, all I could see was Darkness. In fact more than 90% of our universe is Dark!I was intrigued by the darkness and that's when I decided to make the theme of the page Darkish. Why purple you ask? Its common knowledge that Purple is used to signify magic and mystery but that's not what it signifies here. On this page , the purple signifies.. Nothing really , it just looked good and went well with the black background so I chose it !

Finally, you have the name, the looks and is it yet time to "Aah! The blog is finally up"?! Umm, its still a no! You would know how good 'RayBan Aviators' look or how beautiful Cameroon Diaz is. That isn't just enough. You would wanna know how good the RayBan shades look on you or wait for the Diaz chick to talk to see if shes any good above the name and looks, to know if you really wanna come back for more of her. Likewise, the blog needs to talk. The blog has started talking and i hope you'll come back for more. Looking forward to make it large.
So hell yeah! The blog is finally up! Every once in a while , we have those FML days , where we don't wanna wake up , everything is screwed up, everybody sucks and you just wanna justify ripping someone's head off! Well , if you are having one of those days , Captainblogsparrow to the rescue!

Note: The BG was black and blue when the article was written. Changed later on.


  1. Classical broh!!

  2. Really good :) Looking forward to more :)

  3. Though it hurts my eye to read your blog (with the white so bright and contrast with the black background)... That was a good one =). My cousin recommended your blog to me. Looking forward to more stuff.

    1. Suggestion taken into consideration. Do keep supporting us. Thank you! :-D
